
The regional branches in Prague and Brno organize regular seminars, the Tuesday Techsessions, where competent invited lecturers inform attendees of topical technological and educational problems relevant to mechanical engineering.

The bulletin of the CzSME, issued three times a year, informs the members about the Society's activities, conferences, anniversaries, etc

Organizing conferences and seminars, both at the national and international level, is an important and appreciated activity of the Society. Let us mention, e.g., the 17th Danubia - Adria Symposium on Experimental Methods in Solid Mechanics (2000), the 17th Conference on Structure Mechanics in Reactor Technology SMIRT (2003), the 5th Turbomachinery Conference, a seminar to remember the 70 years of strain gauge measurements, a seminar on machine failures and their prevention, and more.

The Society gathered a group of specialists to work on standards for nuclear power generation, similar to the ASME CODE or the GOST. This code – at the SMIRT Conference referred to as „“the third Czech way“ – has already been approved, published, and recommended by all our authorities (like the National Office for Nuclear Safety).

Activities of the CzSME are supported by the membership in the Confederation of Industry of the Czech Republic, the Association of Manufacturers and Suppliers of Engineering Technique, and by cooperation with the Association of iInnovative Entrepreneurship CR.