In 1991 representatives from the Czech technical universities, industry, and many other professional enthusiasts, decided to establish a new national institution – the Czech Association of Mechanical Engineers – to carry on the tradition of the renowned pre – World War II Union of Engineers and Architects S.I.A.

The Czech Association of Mechanical Engineers (hereinafter called CzAME) is a non-governmental, professional organization for promoting the art, science and practice of mechanical engineering and allied sciences.
Its principal objectives are the following:
- to promote the art, science and practice of mechanical engineering within the Czech Republic,
- to facilitate and cultivate the development, dissemination and application of mechanical engineering knowledge,
- to foster engineering education,
- to promote the exchange of information among engineers and others,
- to organize conferences, seminars, and other contacts on the national and international level,
- to cooperate with other engineering and technical societies in the Czech Republic and throughout the world,
- to provide expertise and organize consulting and advisory services for industry and entrepreneurs in the Czech Republic.
In pursuing its objectives the CzAME shall observe the basic policy of nondiscrimination and affirm the rights of all scientists and engineers to adhere to or to associate with all activities without regard to race, religion, ethnic origin, political opinion, language, or sex.